About Reiki


Reiki is a channelling of universal life force healing energy. Put simply it is about the sharing of pure love. The attitudes that guide Reiki are compassion, love, gratitude, and being present and without judgement.

Reiki has its origins in Japan in the early 20th century with Dr Mikao Usui. It is now practised around the world.

Anita has been inducted into the Usui lineage at Level 3A. She acts as a channel for Reiki energy to flow into the body, helping the body release blockages and begin to heal, and bringing about an improved sense of ease.

During Reiki treatment, you remain fully clothed while Anita lays her hands lightly on or just above the body in a number of places, starting with the head, and then the chakra centres down the front of the body. The chakras are the 7 energy centres of the physical  body.

Anita offers Reiki as a stand-alone Reiki treatment (60 mins),  and with Reflexology in the Deluxe Reflexology treatments (75 mins) .