What can you expect?



At your first session, Anita will ask you to complete a form outlining your health and medical history.

She will then discuss with you what you hope to get out of the treatment. This is an opportunity for you to raise any concerns that you have, about your health or about the treatment.


You will lie clothed on a massage table with any blankets or pillows you need to keep comfortable (you need only remove your shoes and socks).

Anita will wash your feet with a hot cloth and using essential oils.

She will then start working on your feet, using a range of techniques as suited to the treatment.

These techniques include gentle kneading and stretching, and gentle finger and thumb palpitations across the whole foot

The therapy usually brings about a state of profound tranquillity so that you may drift off to sleep in a session.

You can ask Anita to stop, or pause the session at any time if you need.

Reiki Treatment 

Again, you will lie clothed on the massage table while the therapist lays her hands gently on, or just above the areas of the body that correspond with the seven chakras or energy centres in the body, plus other areas depending on your health condition.

There is no pressure applied, and you can drift off to sleep. You may experience heat or tingling from the therapist's hands, and some people feel energy moving around their body. 

During a Reiki treatment, there is absolutely nothing for you to do but lie there and the energy does the healing. 

Most people experience profound feelings of well being, calm and clarity from a Reiki treatment.

AFTER YOUR treatment

To maximise the benefits of your treatment, e recommend you take it easy, limit alcohol intake (alcohol goes to the head quickly after a treatment) and eat lightly.